Tuesday, December 19, 2006


I don't know what it is, but I have never been fond of doing split stitch. Plus, my embroidery is not nearly as good as it was in my 20s. I know more now, but my eyes are going and I can feel it. Hee. I am old and shall do leather work! Anyhow, this is the collar for the bliaut.

When I originally did the design, I really liked it. It was a combination of simple and flashy. I took it off of a couple of manuscripts. I did not like the way they combined and set it aside for a few days. Then I started working on the dots. They are two different sizes which is a little unusual and why I chose this design. If I were to do it again, I think I would a more eclesiastical look. I think this collar will stay on the dress for a while and then be retired to a t-tunic. This is another example of the process of making mistakes.

I am definitely more fond of it now. I am trying to keep in mind I have not embroidered for nearly 6 years. My stitch tension is good but my attention to detail is not, and I am going to need this when I work on this dress. I am going to finishe the collar, get another bit of that silk/linen blend for the collar and leave the sleeves plain for now. Let's see how I feel about it when it is done. I am feeling a strong tug to redo the piece in wool or a paisley leaf pattern I found in another drawing.

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